Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Briefing at GB AGM about D Girls' Camp

On 2 June 2008, D Girls' Camp was presented at the GBM Annual General Meeting to all the Exco Committee and officers who were present. The KK Group Council Spokeperson Captain Doria Heng presented the powerpoint show about the camp, we received many cheers and good responses. The officers wanted to know is there a limit to how many girls who can join from each company. It is set at 10 persons including officers and girls.
  • If you are really sure that you want to attend, please register immediately.
  • If your company wish to send more than 10, the extra number has to be on a wait list.
  • Once we confirm that certain companies are not sending 10 persons, the extra number sent in will be given position in the camp.

So, all the more, you need to register soon !

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