Wednesday, June 4, 2008

D Girls' Camp Registration Form

This is our registration form, in case you have lost your copy from your Captain. You just copy the text in black below into word document and print it out. Please fill in and submit through your Captain who will forward to GBM for registration.

D GIRLS' CAMP Registration Form

Name :-

Company :-

IC No :-

Email Address :-

Telephone (Home) :-

Telephone (HP) :-

Any Allergies :-

T-Shirt Size(Asian Size) :- XS, S, M, L, XL

Transport MOde :- Road / Air (MAS / AirAsia)

Arrival Flight No & Time :-

Departure Flight No & Time :-

Contact Person in case of emergency :-

Contact Person Tel (H/P) :-


I ____________________________________ (father / mother / guardian) give my daughter / ward to join D Girls’ Camp and undertake not to hold The Girls’ Brigade Malaysia, its officials or assigns liable, responsible and accountable for any claims, loss, injury therefore any untoward, incidents, happenings, accident and events unto my daughter / ward.
I understand that my daughter / ward shall be properly taken care during the course of the camp and reasonable steps and procedures shall be applied by the on-duty official to remedies the situation in the event of any happening.

Signature Date

Workshop Sessions Selection

Please number your preference 1-4 (1 being the highest preference).
There may be more workshops choices available. Please check out the blog.
These workshops may be changed. Most workshops are limited to 20-30 persons.

1. Hip Hop Dance -> New Dance Moves
2. U think U can sing ->The art of singing
3. Public Speaking -> How to give speech in public
4. Mines & Drama -> The art of Drama
5. Girls & Space Technology -> Satellite Systems & Concept & Basic Map & GPS Reading
6. Mind Mapping -> Concept of Mind Mapping, How to do Mind Maps
7. Stencilling Craft -> Special Craft using stencils
8. Crafty Works -> Creative Crafts
9. Balloons Sculpture -> Creative balloons
10. Face Painting -> Face Painting for parties, special parade or performances
11. The Beautiful You -> Appreciate & nurture the Beauty God gave
12. Sabah Traditional Dance -> The secret of Sabahan Traditional Dances
13. Bits & Bites -> The art of finger food preparation for parties


These are Jpeg images of our real reigstration forms, however if you download and print these, they will be blurr. These images are only for reference only. Most details about this camp are posted on this blog.

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