Thursday, May 29, 2008

Count Down To D Girls Camp 2008 In Sabah

This is our actual days and time left upto 16 August 2008 12:00 noon when we will expect all the participants to arrive at the camp site !
Dear Ladies and Girls,
Due to this shortage of time and the ticking count down above, please do your part urgently to register for the camp before 15 July 2008. We need your cooperation so that we can sort out the T-Shirts Printing, Rooming List, Registration, etc etc for you.
Please remember "Time and Tide wait for no man (or lady)"!
Booking of Air Tickets
For those who are using redemption ticket like MAS Enrich, please note that your husbands, parents or aunts can issue ticket for you but ticket must be issued ONE MONTH before departure, hence you must issue ticket by 15 July 2008 as you want to travel on 15 or 16 August 2008 !

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