Monday, July 7, 2008

Something Special at Opening Ceremony

To make this D Girls' Camp memorable, we have planned for 3 special items to be held during the Opening Ceremony at the Melinsung Hall.
Sunset Opening
We will have the Opening Ceremony for D Girls' Camp on 16 August 2008 just before Sunset. Please be at the camp venue before 4 p.m. so that you could get ready for the Opening Ceremony. We are planning the Opening Ceremony to begin at 5 p.m. and after that will be the dinner.
For participants who arrive later than the starting time, please come in and join in full uniform as you arrive.
Colour Party
There will be the Marching In of Colour Party with GBM Colour and all the GB Companies Colour from Kota Kinabalu.
Company Activities Poster Contest
All companies are invited to bring a poster and these posters will be displayed around the walls for the community hall. The Poster Contest will be held during the Opening Ceremony. Winners will be given special prizes. The theme of these poster is to display all GB Acitivities of individual company - a showcase what you do in your GB Company. The maximum display is 2 pieces of Manila Card size poster.

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