Friday, July 25, 2008

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Over the past few months, some of you have been asking questions. Here is a summary of the Frequently Asked Questions which you may find it helpful :-

Where is the Meeting Point at Kota Kinabalu on 16 August 08 ?
We are meeting at Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu (on top of hill) before 1pm on Saturday 16 August 08. All participants who arrive before 16 August 08 must make their way to Sacred Heart Cathedral unless you have been informed. If you cannot be there at 1 pm please inform us earlier.

When will the buses leave on 16 August 08 for Melinsung ?
The buses will leave 1 pm sharp bound for Melinsung Summer Bay Apartment Resort. Strictly no waiting. If you arrive after 1pm, you have to make your way to Melinsung yourself. Please let us know earlier so that arrangement could be made for you.

Where is the Registration Place ?
Upon arrival at the Melinsung Apartment Resort, please go to the Restaurant next to the swimming pool. Our Registration Counter is just over there.

What is the Poster Competition about ?
The Poster Competition is open to all GB companies and they may submit one poster per company, the theme and topic is About Your Company. The maximum size is Two pieces of Manila Card. The size is about 128 Cm X 102 Cm. However, please note that the poster have to be hanged using Blue-Tac only and hence cannot be too heavy. We are not allowed to nail anything into the community hall walls (made of concrete). If you can bring a stand for your poster, it is also possible.
In order to join the competition, all poster must be up in the Community Hall before 4:30 p.m. on 16 August 08. After the competition, companies are to bring back their submission on 19 August 08. Prizes will be given at the Closing Ceremony on 19 August 08.

What to wear during the Opening Ceremony on 16 August 08 ?
Everyone is to be In FULL UNIFORM. The Colour Party will comprise of GBM and KK GB Companies only. Outstation companies do not need to bring their colour.

When is the Opening Ceremony on 16 August 08?
The Opening Ceremony is set at Sun Set time. All participants must be at the Community Hall by 4:30 p.m. The Opening Ceremony is to begin from 5 p.m. sharp and to finish by 6:30 p.m. If you come in late, just come in your uniform.

Why do we divide the participants into 2 groups for KK Adventures Park ?
KK Adventure Park is a place for Team-Building and adventure but the site is rather small and it will be too packed to have 200 over girls and officers. There may not be any more standing room. That's why we divide our participants into 2 groups and each group will spend a day at the Adventure Park.

How many workshops will I join in d Girls Camp ?
While one group is at the KK Adventure Park, the other group will have two workshops and two drill sessions at the Melinsung. You are asked to choose 4 workshops so that we can try to give you the most suitable 2 workshops for you. Each workshop session will be 2 1/2 hours (9:30am-12:00pm and 2pm-4:30pm). Each workshop is about 20-30 persons so you may not get the your first choice workshop but we try to accommodate.

The Drill sessions are 8:30-9:30 a.m. and 4:30-5:30 p.m.

What to wear for Beach Fun Night on 18 August 08 evening ?
Anything remind you of the Beach, anything suitable will be fine.
Tip 1 :- There will be no swimming during the night so swimming costume may be a bit out.
Tip 2 :- There will be a Miss Melinsung Fun Night Contest for the most outstanding costume.

When and where does D Girls' Camp officially finishes ?
It will finish at 11 am on 19 August 08 (Tuesday) and the buses will leave for City Tour and end up at Warisan Square, in front of the KK Handicraft Centres. The buses will leave for airports at the decided time. Please let us know if you wish to join the City Tour or go straight to Airport.

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