Friday, September 5, 2008

The Conclusion of D Girls' Camp 2008 In Sabah

All Glory be to God !

D Girls' Camp was successfully held from 16-19 August 2008 at Melinsung, Papar, Sabah ! A total of 237 participants joined the camp and with officers and girls from all over Malaysia. The campers went through a fun, team-building and challenging day at the Kota Kinabalu Adventure Park and learnt two separate workshops.

The President, Vice-President, GBM Trainer, Captains, Officers and girls together with our invited speakers and facilitators for the workshops all worked hand in hand and played alongside. We all had a meaningful learning time !

The organising committee would like to thank everyone who has contributed and all the helps rendered that has helped to make the camp meaningful and well-run. Most girls have participated very enthusiastically although some were a bit too tired to concentrate. All in all, we all had a good time together !

Note from Blog Master :-
There has been some delay in the publishing of this after-camp journal. This is partly due to the busy travelling schedule of the blog master, she has been busy. But, she has also been busy gathering photos and information for publishing. Do come back often to revisit this blog. We plan to publish more camp journal and photos periodically ! The blogsite should be kept alive until GBM announces the next D Girls Camp venue !
If you have some great news, great photos or stories to share, please do send to us at : This will be good for us to share.

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