Friday, August 1, 2008

D Girls' Camp Workshops and Facilitators

D Girls' Camp Workshops

Here is the list of the final workshops, the description of what they are about and who the facilitators are. Prepare yourself for a good time of learning. If you are not given your top 2 choices, relax, you can still learn new things from another workshop. Do read and find out what you need to prepare or wear to the session.

Balloons Sculpture
Objective : To learn the skill of creative balloon work.
What to prepare : Have a courageous spirit to twist and turn balloons. Well, you surely not scared of balloon bursting, right ?
What to bring : Stationary to write notes. We will have 2-3 Balloon pumps but if you have one, please bring along.
Facilitator / Teacher : Ms Paulyn Bong has a special skills and interest with balloons.
Tip : May the grace be with you as you twist the balloons !

Beautiful You
Objective : To appreciate & nurture the Beauty God gave
What to prepare : Prepare your heart for a time of refreshing learning.
What to bring : Bring stationary to write notes. If you can, bring a mirror.
Facilitator / Teacher : Miss Dorothy Leong, Missionary of Sacred Hearts Cathedral. She is passionate about the teaching on inner beauty and she specially went to The Philippines for a course on this. Her vision is to see young women rise up to their full potential and live out a beautiful life that God wants them to be.
Tip : The Beautiful You

Bits and Bites
Objective : The art of finger food preparation for parties
What to prepare : Please make sure your hands are clean and washed before session. Be prepared to indulge in delicious goodies.
What to bring : Bring stationary to write notes.
Facilitator / Teacher : Mrs Chiew-Kiu Leh Eng, she is the Advisor of 5th KK GB Company and formerly she is the founding captain of the company. She enjoys baking and cooking. She will share with you some recipes and tips of party food.
Tip : Cheesy and Chocolate

Clay Crafts

Objective : To make crafts out of soft clays

What to prepare : Be willing to learn out and learn new crafts

What to bring : Stationary & Notes

Facilitator / Teacher : Mr Francis Chok has a special gift in making soft clay craft.
Tip : All things bright and beautiful !

Crafty Works
Objective : To learn how to make a few creative crafts.

What to prepare : Prepare to learn a few crafts and be creative!

What to bring : Stationary to write notes, scissor (put in check-in luggage if you travel by air)
Facilitator / Teacher : Lt Yong Su Yee is attached to 2nd KK GB Company and she was a Pioneer Pin holder. She has very creative hands on craft works. W/O Catherine Wong is also very gifted with artworks and cooking, she will be teaching you how to do the crafts.

Tip : Flowers are soft and hearts are wired up.

Face Painting
Objective : To learn about Face Painting skills for parties, special parade or performances.
What to prepare : Prepare to release the artist skill in you on the face or parts of body.
What to bring : Face Painting materials will be prepared for you. If you have a set, you could bring yours too. Most face painting materials are of make-up supreme quality, you do not use water colours or posters colours on your face !
Facilitator / Teacher : Miss Deborah Tai. She is a Financial Consultant and IT by profession but she loves to do creative works like multimedia, art works and face painting. She picks up face painting through her practices !
Tip : From animals to princess, from garden to zoo !

Girls and Space Technology
Objective : Satellite Systems & Concept & Basic Map & GPS Reading
What to prepare : Prepare for a bit of lecture and a bit under the sun.
What to bring : Stationary to write. Bring your compass if you have one.
Facilitator / Teacher : Mrs Doria Heng, she is the captain of 2nd KK GB Company. She is a Land Surveyor by profession and works in the Lands and Surveys Department, Sabah. Her passion is to see more females getting involved in technology pursuit. You will be taught the magic of space, what Malaysia is doing in space and what you can get from Space Technology.
Tip : Yes, we will go outdoor. No, this is not Petronas Space Science programme.

Hip-Hop Dance
Objective : This is the latest and hottest dance move. It will be taught by a group of professional dancers. They are from the Synergy Dance Group. Prepare for a time of learning.
What to prepare : Wear comfortable exercise pants with GB T-Shirt, shoes
What to bring : Water, Notes to write.
Facilitator / Teacher : Synergy Dance Group, a group of professional dancers who actively performs in concerts.
Tip : Be Ready to Hip-Hop


Objective : To map your mind is to double up usage of both right and left brains. What to prepare : Be prepared to unlock the power of your mind. What to bring : Water, Notes to write.
Facilitator / Teacher :
Captain Mrs Doria Heng is the captain of 2nd KK GB Company. She was a former GB girl of 2nd KK Company. She started learning and teaching Mind Maps to her children to help them in revision and essay writing. Tip : Open up your mind !

Public Speaking
Objective : To learn how to deliver speech in public.
What to prepare : Be Prepared to speak up !
What to bring : Pen & Notes. Facilitator / Teacher : Ms Alice Kunjan is an active member of Toastmaster. She will share the skill of public speaking.

Tip : Speak Up !

Traditional Dance
Objective : The secret of Sabahan Traditional Dances
What to prepare : Be willing to ry out the dances and moves. Wear T-Shirt and pants. Likely bare-foot.
What to bring : Pen to jot down or draw the moves, Water
Facilitator / Teacher : Synergy Dance Group, a group of professional dancers who actively performs in concerts.
Tip : Be Careful ! Ouch !

U think U can sing
Objective : To learn the basic skill of singing
What to prepare : Be prepared to sing.
What to bring : You are asked to select a song and bring 3 copies of the music scroll of that song. The teacher will go through the song with you.
Facilitator / Teacher : Mr Colin Chong is a pastor of Good Samaritan Church and he majors in Music.
Tip : La La La !

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