Thursday, July 31, 2008

Packing Time !

Here is a list of suggestion on what to bring :-

Regardless of what workshops you are selected for, you should bring a few main items to help you to enjoy the camp.

What to Pack ?

  • GB T-Shirts (at least 3 or more) GB T-Shirts are to be worn throughout the camp. If you do not have enough from previous camps, you may buy other company T-Shirts at our Camp Souvenir Stall.
  • Full Uniform - Yes, complete with your white shoes and white socks.
  • Pants and Skirts - as you like
  • Exercise / Stretchable Pants for KK Adventure Park, Hip-Hop Dance, Traditional Dance etc
  • Personal Toiletries - Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Facial Wash, Shampoo, Body Wash, etc etc
  • Towel for bath
  • Bring along 1 Litre Bottle of water as you start your journey, you can refill this as you join other activities.
  • Shoes & Slipper - White Shoe (for uniform), Sport Shoe (for KK Adventure Park & Workshops), Slipper
  • Fun Night Wear - up to your creativity
  • Stationary - highlighter, pens, pencils, notebooks (in case run out of space in Programme Book), Scissor if you join Crafty Works workshop (please put inside check-in luggage if you travel by air, otherwise, airport official will throw it into dustbin).
  • Bible - for devotion and Sunday Worship
  • Offering - We are collecting Offering for the T-House project
  • Pocket money - to buy snacks and souvenirs
Note :- Melinsung Apartment is air-conditioned. Shower Units have water heater.

How to prepare yourself ?

Please remember the following recipe to have a successful camp!
10 gram of friendship
10 gram of teachable spirit
10 gram of adventure spirit
Generous amount of love

  • Prepare yourself to learn.
  • Purpose in your heart to make friends.
  • Plan in your mind to be on-time for all events.
Clue :- All participants are expected to demonstrate high-level of discipline and commitment by being punctual at all events. Attendance will be given blue chop for punctuality, red chop for late arrival or causing others to wait for you and no chop for no show.

Special gifts for those who achieve blue chops throughout the camp !

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