Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Notes from The Organiser

Hello Ladies and Girls,

We are very honoured to be given the privilege to organise D Girls' Camp in Sabah this year. We hope that with this blog, we could be in better communication with you about getting ready for the camp. This blog will be updated frequently, please come back often !

This is a very good opportunity for us to introduce our GB activity to our friends, relatives, schools, churches or even oversea contacts. If you like any of the information given by this blog, please email them to your circle of contacts as a way to say that 'you are proud to be involved in GB!'. To email any posting, just click on the 'mail' icon.

If you are interested to know more or have any question about the camp, please email to :- We will try to answer your questions.

1 comment:

zerwin said...

how come 3rd tawau GB didnt know anything about this camp 1 ? can u let us join this? i wanna join sabah camp for a long time already.. please... please.... let us join...