Tuesday, June 24, 2008

D Girls' Camp Main Programmes Listing (without time)

Here is the highlights of programme that we have lined up for you at D Girls' camp :-

16 August 2008 (Saturday)

From 12 noon onwards -

  • Registration
  • Opening Ceremony
17 August 2008 (Sunday)

  • Worship Service
  • One Day at KK Adventure Parks - Half of group
  • Drill - Half of group staying
  • Workshop Session I - Half of group staying


  • Workshop Session II - Half of group staying
  • Drill - Half of group staying


  • Talk

18 August 2008 (Sunday)

  • One Day at KK Adventure Parks - Half of group
  • Drill - Half of group staying
  • Workshop Session III - Half of group staying


  • Workshop Session IV - Half of group staying
  • Drill - Half of group staying


  • Fun Night at the Beach

19 August 2008 (Monday)

  • Group Photo
  • Evaluation
  • Check out by 11 am
  • City Tour to finish in KK City by 3 pm near Handicraft Center (formerly called Filipino Market)
  • Home Sweet Home

Note :- This programme listing is just to let you know how rich is our camp, we believe in maximising learning opportunities for spiritual, recreational, knowledge & skills, drill aspects, all in a complete and wholesome package !

If you plan to arrive earlier or leave later, we could introduce you somewhere to stay, just drop us an email .

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