Monday, May 12, 2008

The Workshops Choices

Organiser's Notes to All Campers :-

These workshops sessions are subject to facilitator's availability and the number limit per class. You may indicate your preference but the committee selection is final. Some workshops may be cancelled due to shortage of participants or no facilitator.

1. Hip Hop Dance ->

  • New Dance Moves
  • Hip Hop Dance steps will be taught by a group of professional dancers.

2. U think U can sing ->

  • The art of singing will be taught by a professional in music.

3. Public Speaking ->

  • How to give speech in public

4. Mines & Drama ->

  • The art of Drama

5. Girls & Space Technology ->

  • Satellite Systems & Concept & Basic Map & GPS Reading
  • This workshop aims to stir up your interest in Space Technology and keep you informed of some of the latest development in space !
  • Have you ever heard that girls and technology (or science) don't quite mix ? Here is a session for you to prove that statement is wrong !
  • Due to the complexity of the equipments, number has to be small for this workshop and the GPS receivers have to be shared among members.

6. Mind Mapping ->

  • Concept of Mind Mapping, How to do Mind Maps
  • This session aims to give you an overview to Mind Mapping, some of the basic theory behind it and how you could use it to help you to map out your mind. The success of this tool for you depends on your practise after acquiring the knowledge.
  • Mind Mapping has been a useful tool for many to excel in their studies, do essay, write reports, project management etc etc.

7. Stencilling Craft ->

  • Special Craft using stencils

8. Crafty Works ->

  • Creative Crafts

9. Balloons Sculpture ->

  • Creative balloons

10. Face Painting ->

  • Face Painting for parties, special parade or performances

11. The Beautiful You ->

  • Appreciate & nurture the Beauty God gave

12. Sabah Traditional Dance ->

  • The secret of Sabahan Traditional Dances

13. Bits & Bites ->

  • The art of finger food preparation for parties

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