Monday, May 12, 2008

The Organiser of D Girls' Camp

Checking out the Melinsung Summer Bay Resort Apartment
KK Group Council Visit to KK Adventure Park

The GB KK Group Council is the organiser of this camp. The committee will make sure that you will get a very good, value-for-money, highly memorable camping experience. We look into your safety, comfort, food, programmes, adventure, logistics, transport and etc. Our job is to make sure every participant of the camp will get a lot out of the camp.

GB KK Group Council comprises of 5 GB companies around KK city :-
  • 1st KK GB Coy
  • 2nd KK GB Coy
  • 4th KK GB Coy
  • 5th KK GB Coy
  • 1st Penampang GB Coy

Even though our manpower is not a lot but with the help from God and support from GB Malaysia especially Miss Veronica K and Ms Choy Ying and GBM staff, we will endeavour to make the camp a success for everyone.

On 23 May 2008, some members of the organising committee went up to the sites for a visit to confirm the arrangement. We have checked out the venues, meeting rooms and halls, equipments, and the apartment resort to ensure that this camp is possible.

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